Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Basketball Talks

I absolutely love my frequent basketball talks with my boy.  That's pretty much his language.  It helps that I have some basketball knowledge as well.  I am usually able to make any life situation a basketball game, play, or strategy for him to relate to.

Recently Jayson and I were discussing players that I thought were good on his age level.  You see, Jayson is a lover of the game.  No matter what the game situation you may find him off the court going right up to the oppossing team talking about a certain skill, introducing himself or giving a handshake.  The kid has absolutely no problems with giving another player their due respect.  I will also add that even if they are a "better" player than him, he is equally ready to give them his recognition.  In my opinion that takes guts!  His dad and I often watch him out on the court in the middle of games laughing it up with the other team, like I said, he loves the game.  Well, as we were discussing good players around the Twin Cities I shared what I had noticed about him and his eagerness and willingness to congratulate and celebrate others.  I told him how great it was and how he could take it a step further by watching these players and learning from them.  Different moves, styles and ways they should be played against would also help him in his own game and ability.

Now I will take it a bit further.  The more I thought and talked to Jayson about learning from others during basketball games, I translated that over into the game of life.  Do I genuinely feel happy for others when they succeed?  Do I go out of my way to congratulate others on their performance?  Do I sit back and admire the different qualities that I see in others?  I know what I do well and some of my strengths are others weaknesses as someone's strengths are my weaknesses.  Am I able to learn and glean from them?  Have I ever just gone up to a mom and said, hey I really like how you interact with your kids, how you treat your husband or how you organize?? 

It's amazing how the game of basketball can open up the door to so much more...

Stay tuned for Our Basketball Talks Part 2....


Stacy said...

As always, I love it! That is so great and so true with Jayson. You are so blessed to have such great kids!

Shannon said...

Thank you Stacy! I appreciate your comments, as always :)!


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