Saturday, October 16, 2010

The End of Football Season

Today was the last game for Jayson's football season.  First of all can I just say that almost ALL of the games were sunny and MINNESOTA!  We heard bad weather stories of previous years, but this year we were blessed to watch Jayson run an average of 2 touchdowns a game and over 200 yards per game in beautiful weather!  What a fun time!  Jayson has never played organized football before, but proved to be an incredible Running Back!  Mom was impressed...I know, surprise surprise!

The team record was 5-3...pretty good.  Jayson met some great kids and got to play close with one of his best buds from basketball.  He went the season with one minor ankle injury that caused him to sit out one game, but whew, I'll take it!  We are very proud of him and very thankful for the coaches and people God has placed in our lives that truly care about Jayson.

And let me not forget to mention how proud we (me & the kids) are of Big Jason (dad) for assisting with coaching this year!  He never gives himself enough credit for spending that quality time with Jayson and other kids, giving encouraging words, pats on the backs and numerous car rides to and from practice and games!  I know that he created a bond and precious memories for Jayson...I think that is the BEST part of this season!

1 comment:

Stacey Ripley said...

Wow!! He was made for a football uniform!! So glad you gave birth to Jayson. hee hee hee


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