Although my work is very busy...I look forward to starting my day with my coffee and my Breezy! This morning I was able to chat with her a bit longer than usual. We caught up on each other's weekend which led us in a discussion on how
we both heart Mondays!
we both heart Mondays!
You may be wondering WHY??
1. We are very structured people and love the normal routine of life.
2. The people around us go to work and or us some peace (no offense to anyone).
3. Monday is back to business.
4. Coffee just tastes better on Mondays.
5. Monday we feel refreshed from a good weekend.
6. It's cleaning day...(I never said we weren't different).
7. Did I say people are back to work & school already??
8. You can catch up with friends that you havn't talked to all weekend.
9. You tend to have a fresh perspective on things.
10. We can start planning for the next weekend!
Happy Monday!