Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday...

 I absolutely love this time of year. 
My family claims I say that about every season! :)
Spring, Track, Easter, and this year my Breezy's coming home from school to spend the holiday with us! I even declared this weekend

"Operation Easter Basket"!
 (check out my next few posts)

However, with all the exciting events that are happening, I cannot forget the

true meaning
of the celebration.  It's

"Good Friday"
and without "today", there would be no celebration.  As a child every year my mom, sister and I would watch Jesus of Nazareth.  Back then it was a three part series and each night I would come in from playing outdoors, eat, shower and dive right into the TV.  I'm not sure why I was so drawn to this man that seemed to be treated so badly and yet loved everyone he came in contact with.  I would watch it until the very end.

We weren't a
religious family
 and pretty much only went to church on Easter, but for some reason my mom would welcome us to watch it with her.  I remember crying and asking my mom why they had to

kill this man.
  There was just something that was so real and fascinating about what I witnessed.  I can recall the weather, always raining and the mood was very somber on the day named "Good Friday".

Many years later,
 I am still captivated
by "that man".  Not the actor, but the man, the son of God that laid down His life for me even before I was born and even had a clue of what I was watching as a child.  I am very thankful to my mom for setting the channel on Jesus of Nazareth every year.  Those are some of my fondest memories as a child.  I believe they were seeds being planted for
my faith today.

I will dye eggs, I will buy my kids unnecessary things and even get dressed up to attend church on Easter Sunday, BUT I will never forget what took place thousands of years ago for my
life in Christ today!


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