Sunday, February 7, 2010

Moved By Compassion

During a beautiful weekend with the family at an Acquire The Fire Youth Conference, our family decided to sponsor a child from IndonesiaCompassion Intl. is an organization that works with churches all over the world to provide basic needs, education and Christian material to children and their family in need.  We are familiar with this organization, hearing countless accounts of how Compassion Intl.has helped children for over 30 years.  For the past few years my heart has longed to sponsor a child in another country, but not until this weekend was I guided by peace to act on my desire.
We would like to introduce Febrian to you.  He is one of three children living in Indonesia with his father and mother.  His favorite activity is playing group games.  In kindergarten his performance is average and he also regularly attends Christian instruction.  Because of our sponsorship, Febrian will have new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.
We are thrilled to be able to correspond with "Febby", (we've nick-named him) and maybe one day we will be able to meet him and his family.
Being sponsors not only blesses the child we are sponsoring, but it challenges us to get our eyes off of ourselves and do for others.  My son (13) asked, "when do we go get him?".  As you can see, he was also moved with compassion.


Stacey Ripley said...

So Cool! Hope you can even meet Febby someday! :) I love your compassionate heart! :)

Stacy said...

That is so awesome!


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