Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jayson's Trip to Denver

Last week Jayson took a little four day vacation to visit his buddy Will, who moved to Denver at the end of the Summer!  After having a birthday, turning thirteen and making the honor roll first quarter, we thought what a great gift it would be to send him to have some fun with a fantastic family!  Fun, is an understatement!  He had a blast!  After flying for the first time by himself (many compliments from the Flight Attendants on what a great kid he is!), he was greeted by his buddy and off to play basketball they went.  Jayson was invited to play in Will's Tournament.  It was a neat experience for him to play with a group of kids and coach he had just met.  When they weren't playing hoops, they were playing Paintball, site seeing in the mountains and the one thing boys like to do, just hang!

He had a terrific time and has already asked when he can return.  We are very thankful to The Bower Family for opening their home and showing our boy a great time!  It's so good to know and have great friends!


~Rachel said...

What a fun, creative blog! I look forward to following!

Stacy said...

I am so glad he had a good time!!!


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