Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cheered Her Last Football Game...

I truly believe if Graduation was today, Bryana would say she had the most amazing High School/Senior Year experience!  She is having a ball!  It has been so fun watching Bryana enjoy her last days of High School.  Big games, fun parties, great friends and even a nice class schedule.  Last week was the last official football game which ended with a great victory!  So exciting to see the fans, students and cheerleaders run onto the field to congratulate their team!  All I could think of was, what a great Senior year she is having! 


Margaret aka: Fact Woman said...

Don't you love and hate their senior year. It's so fun watching them have fun and grow up and at the same time so sad knowing that it is the last year with them around. She's darling.

Unknown said...

Aww... such a melancholy time. It's hard to watch it end, but fun to see where they are heading. We just went through that last year, my son is a Freshman in college this year... a whole new ballgame!

I'm making rounds and visiting some of my followers today. Thanks!

The Redhead Riter said...

Oh my goodness she is beautiful! How dare she grow up! Hasn't it gone by too fast?

Meg from Megs A Mommy! said...

Ahh, I remember senior year! I hope the rest of the year keeps going as well!


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