Thursday, March 31, 2011

Because I'm On Spring Break...

Because I'm on Spring Break....I've decided to stay up late and watch all the Animal Planet I can stand.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I forget that not everyone is on Spring Break.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I force myself to sleep in until at least 9am.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I walk around telling everyone in the house that I'M ON SPRING BREAK!

Because I'm on Spring Break....I don't feel like I should have to do anything in any particular order.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I feel like I should be shopping daily.

Because I'm on Spring Break....It should at least be 70 degrees outside.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I have had the writing juices flowing and felt very clever.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I've done some visiting I wouldn't normally do.

Because I'm on Spring Break....It seems as if I should be jogging around the neighborhood?

Because I'm on Spring Break....I've had time to think about the next party I'm going to plan.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I think I should be waited on hand and foot.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I call my hubby constantly while he's at work.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I count all of the things around the house that need to be fixed or worked on.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I've decided to take the time to read through my magazines and highlight.

Because I'm on Spring Break....My family thinks dinner will be served nightly like Thanksgiving.

Because I'm on Spring Break....My coffee just tastes better.

Because I'm on Spring Break....My son thinks I'm suddenly rich.

Because I'm on Spring Break....I keep looking at my toes thinking, somebody really needs a Pedi.

This was last year's Spring Centerpiece...not sure if I can top it this year, but I'll be working on it,
since I'm on Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Love Language...

Well, maybe not my real love language, but darn close to the top of the list!

However, this week I was reminded of an old book entitled The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  It comes highly recommended by me, as it was a blessing in my young marriage many years ago.  My hubby and I discovered how to communicate through filling each other's "love tank".  I love when God brings things back around to remind you and get you back into shape.  Have a good day, I have some reading....AND snacking to do!

When you're all done reading stop back by and share YOUR love language.
Mine?? I LOVE comments...hint hint!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Very Unnecessary Purchase

Ok, so if you've been following along, my daughter is away at school for a year (or longer).  And yep, I am still purchasing things that I come across that would be perfect in her room.  Before she left for school she decided she wanted a "Shabby Chic" room....Sooo, mama aims to pleeez! (wink)

It's a work in progress and each time she comes home to visit there's a little something new added to her "shabby" quarters.

This is what screamed "buy me, buy me!!
(My hubby doesn't think things talk to me)

It's the CHAIR! Whatchathink?!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Day After...

the shocking, devastating, probably the most talked about loss in March Madness!  My beloved Kansas Jayhawks fell to VCwho? Ok, I'll be nice VCU, Virginia Common Wealth University.  I always tell my boy, it's whoever comes to play that will determine the outcome.  VCU came equipped and ready to do battle against the #1 Kansas Jayhawks and it was admittedly a great game for them.  I am no hater and I do love good basketball...but I HATE to lose!

Needless to say it is always an intense atmosphere around our home during Kansas Basketball time...especially during March Madness.  I'm not a "trash" talker, but because I love my team I get a lot of flack about them.  Let's face it, they're a winning team, with a winning history!  I always say, they're the team everybody loves to hate.  With that being said...
I was a bit nervous for this game.  The big game that would put the winning team in the Final Four!  It wasn't pretty my friends...

I paced, I yelled, I stood, I jumped, I clapped, and yes, I even swore!  I hear that song "Love Hurts" as I write this.  The last 8 minutes of the game I even had to leave the house. 
Don't judge me.  I was raised a Jayhawk fan.  If you even talked to my Grandmother during a game you would not EVER do it twice.  Sounds healthy right...I said don't judge me. 
We love our basketball no doubt about it!

So, this morning I wake up, I dust off my knees from kneeling and weeping all night long and I say what every true fan would say....They'll go all the way NEXT YEAR!


Rock Chalk Jayhawk Forever

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Top Six Spring Obsessions

#6. NCAA March Madness:

Duh! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

#5. Jayson's Bedroom Make Over:

Spotted this in search of a cool theme...fitting, don't you think?

#4. Project Organized Pantry:

 My pantry is much smaller but when I acheive the look of this one I WILL post pics!
Gotta love containers.

#3. Operation Backyard Poop Clean-Up:

No, this is not my backyard although it should be...however we are in big trouble if daddy finds any poop back there this Spring!

#2. The Nikon D3100:  

All I can say is I'm gonna be DANGEROUS when I get this bad boy!

#1. Breezy's 5K Esegui:

Now this brings a smile to mama's face!  Our family can never just sell raffle tickets!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Table Flippn' Friday! 3/25

" Ok, picture this...a backyard full of mud from melting snow, a puppy who is ready to play after going potty, and me in my nightgown at 10 o'clock at night...Mmm hmm.  That'll make you flip a table!"

Join Us!

Channel your inner fiesty housewife with us, and get it off your chest. This is your day to share what made you or almost made you lose your cool this past week AND it’s a great way to find, meet, and gain more followers on your blog! No expensive china broken, and no carpet stains from that good bottle of wine to clean up.
Follow by any social method you prefer. Please be sure to leave a comment letting the person know how you followed so they can follow you back.

Guidelines are simple to participate:

1) On YOUR blog, share something that made you or almost made you flip a table as a post along with our Table Flippn’ Friday button and link-up.

2) Follow your hosts in spots 1-shallowocity & 2- Her Cup Runs Over. Leave a comment on our Table Flippn’ Friday posts letting us know how you follow and so we can follow you back.

3) Link up! Please link directly to your post, NOT to your homepage when adding your link to the list blog hop list.

4) Next, follow as many other fabulous bloggers as you like. Then also comment on their "Friday Flippn' hop post sharing how you are following and how you found them!

Table Flippn’ Friday hop opens at 9 PM on Thursday night and runs through Friday 11:59PM. Remember only direct links to your “flippn” are accepted. Links to your homepage, other blog hops, or giveaways will be deleted

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I've Got A WINNER!

Thank you for all of the entries for the Grandma Gratitude Giveaway!  You made my first Giveaway and love for "good" Grandmas SO fun!

I would like to introduce you to my WINNER, {chosen by} Marisa Ahelegbe!  What a heartfelt story...

"My grandma is SO great because she is the one who initiated my relationship with JESUS! Not only has my grandma lived a life that exemplifies her heart for Jesus she is the one who came all over town and picked up all the grandkids, took us to breakfast, and then off to church! It was one of those Sundays, when I was in third grade, that I gave my life to Jesus! Thank you Grandma Geri!!!"

Congratulations Marisa!

Thanks again and stay tuned for our next...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Table Flippn' Friday Blog Hop!... 3/18

"On Monday morning, brewed my coffee, to find Coffee Mate French Vanilla was no where to be found!"

I’m excited to Co-Host Table Flippn’ Friday Blog Hop along with shallowOcity! Channel your inner fiesty housewife with us, and get it off your chest. This is your day to share what made you or almost made you lose your cool this past week AND it’s a great way to find, meet, and gain more followers on your blog! No expensive china broken, and no carpet stains from that good bottle of wine to clean up.

Follow by any social method you prefer. Please be sure to leave a comment letting the person know how you followed so they can follow you back.

Guidelines are simple to participate:

1) On YOUR blog, share something that made you or almost made you flip a table as a post along with our Table Flippn’ Friday button and link-up.

2) Follow your hosts in spots 1-shallowocity and 3- Her Cup Runs Over. Leave a comment on our Table Flippn’ Friday posts letting us know how you follow and so we can follow you back.

3) Link up! Please link directly to your post, NOT to your homepage when adding your link to the list blog hop list.

4) Next, follow as many other fabulous bloggers as you like. Then also comment on their "Friday Flippn' hop post sharing how you are following and how you found them!

Table Flippn’ Friday hop opens at 9 PM on Thursday night and runs through Friday 11:59PM. Remember only direct links to your “flippn” are accepted. Links to your homepage, other blog hops, or giveaways will be deleted.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Grandma Gratitude Giveaway!

I love a good Grandma!  Please share your "Grandma" story with me for a chance to win a giveaway!  I'm not looking for the "she bakes cookies with the kids every Christmas" kind of story.  I'm looking for the, "WOW, now that's a good Grandma!"  You can either tell about yourself as a Grandma, your kid's Grandma, or your own Grandma's story.

What makes your Grandma SO great!?

*How to Enter*
1. Please submit your story as a comment on this post.
2. Follow this blog by hitting the Follow button --->.
3. Share this post on FB or Twitter.

*How to Win*
You will be randomly selected by & ME

$20 Starbucks Coffee Card

**Contest ends Wednesday, March 16th 2011 8pm CST

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Big Fat Blessed Weekend!

No tournament on the schedule for Jayson.  Sounds like sleeping in late, waking up, shuffling to the kitchen to make coffee, then lounging around shifting from one couch to the other, right?? Umm, NOT!  But we would not have had it any other way!

Our weekend started out with a much needed haircut for Mochaccino...

I'm all cleaned up now, where can we go?!

At almost every Basketball Tournament Jayson is blessed with friends of the family, relatives, and/or kids from school that come to watch him play.  This weekend was the perfect one to return the love and venture off to watch 4th grade girl's basketball....

 Aww, memories, good stuff and way to go "big sisters"! on our way to our first hockey game.  NHL's Minnesota Wild??  No silly, The "big boys" of Giggles Galore Child Care...

So stinkin' fun!  We were totally impressed with those skating skills that we witnessed!  We headed off to watch one more friend basketball game and our Saturday was just about complete, but before it ended....

Honoring 3 years of being a part of Traveling Basketball...priceless! 

HOLD ON, we're not finished yet!  Saturday ended sweetly, but Sunday ended just as sweet!
Welcome to the family Marley!  No, we didn't get a new puppy, BUT our dear friends did and he just happens to be our Mochaccino's brother!

NO Jayson, we can't get another one....right?!?!

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Dreaded Call From School.....

The phone rings around 9am and a peak at the Caller I.D. tells me it's the Middle School my son attends. My heart sinks as I quickly race through my mind about the morning's events before he went to school. Was he not feeling well? Did he forget something important? Did he leave the house angry and I didn't notice and got on the bus and decked the first kid he seen at school? Ok, ok, I know, I over-think things. I picked up the phone and it was Jayson on the other end. "Mom", he said, in a very quiet voice. Still wondering why he was calling I replied, "What happened? (in my defeated, fed up mom voice)". He went on to tell me that in his first period class they were going over grades and he now has a 3.8 GPA. He went on to point out that he was in reach of HIGH HONOR ROLL. OK maybe you didn't hear me...I SAID High. Honor. Roll. My response to Jayson was this..."Keep working hard, push yourself, you can do it, and I am so proud of you!"

Now, let me explain. There was a time when "school" did not come easy for Jayson. As a matter of fact it has been a frustrating, uphill challenge in years past. There were many meetings, labels and even tears. Honestly, I'd have to add, a lot of guilt to that list. Although, we knew that Jayson has always been a kid that worked hard at what he wanted, being on the Honor Roll, much less the High Honor Roll was never on the short list!

This morning after getting his call, a flood of memories came to me. One of those memories was a time that I had talked with God about Jayson and his learning "abilities", and I remember God telling me "Jayson will have his own testimony". Another memory was that all of our praying and confessing God's Word over our kids really does work. I'm not sure how long I've had this little book called "Confessions for Raising Winning Kids", but I carry it everywhere I go. I pull it out waiting in the car, in the mornings, at lunchtime, at bedtime, seriously...everywhere. The poor little book doesn't even have a cover anymore. It's tattered, highlighted, scribble filled pages have spaghetti sauce and other unidentified objects on them. Yep, gross!

Am I saying that this little book is why Jayson is where he is today? NO, absolutely not, but I am saying that God is in control and if you do what He tells you to do, eventually you will get where you want to be. I thank God for that little book and the big books that have helped our family along the way.

**I take no credit and I boast not. I just wanted to share that my heart is glad today.**
Plus, one last thing...maybe those calls from school are not so dreaded after all. :)

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