It seems so bazzare saying that, "Happy Halloween". After so many years of not celebrating it due to our religious beliefs and such. Don't get me wrong, I still don't want to surrender to us "all out" celebrating Halloween, but as my kids have grown up to teenager hood, things are much different. Both of the kids have such a firm foundation on Christ and what they believe that we feel comfortable allowing them to use their own wisdom with certain things. One thing is for sure...we do not do scary! That is something that will never change at The Edwards'. Jayson could barely walk around Party City looking at costumes due to all of the devils, witches and gobblins hanging around as decorations.
This year was the first year they both wanted to dress up and go to school. Never thought Jayson would do it just out of plain being "too cool". But he did and I was very impressed with what he wanted to be...SWAT. Totally went with who he is as a person. I must say the same thing for Bre. Who else could be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz?? :-) Looking back on my own childhood, some of my most favorite memories were of dressing up and being with friends on Halloween.
As dad and I passed out candy to the little Spidermen, princesses, and even a few gobblins, our two both enjoyed the time that they had hanging out with friends. This ride called parenting is an adventure for sure!
I guess we CAN say we had a Happy Halloween!
Oh...and Mocha too! :-)