Monday, November 30, 2009

So Very Thankful

Thanksgiving 2009 turned out to be a success!  I cooked the usual spread...still can't stand the looks of that naked bird!  Watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and of course the Dog Show!  After dinner at home we headed over to visit with family.  Good times!  Lots of pictures and it's always fun catching up with everyone and guessing how old the kids are (that are now in their twenties).  We ended our night by going to the movies with friends.  We seen the movie Blindside....what a GREAT story!  It was a fun filled day! 

We have SO much to be thankful for.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Meet My Designer

I would like to take a moment to thank my designer, Celeste at Lolatini Design Studio. She has worked very very hard to make my blog look the way it does! I am always more than pleased with her creativity, tech "know-how" and her professionalism. I have gottten countless compliments on my blog design and I must say...she makes me look good! Everyone knows you can have a great product, but if it's packaging isn't right, it's hard to sell.

Again, thank you Lolatini Design Studio for your talent!  And if you are reading this and you are inspired to start a blog or need a fresh look for your current blog or website, please go to her site.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Team Edwards' First Blog Award!

HOORAY!  I was just given my first blog award!! One hundred thank you's to Rule-Of-Thumb for giving me the One Lovely Blog Award. What a great honor it is to have an award for my family blog!
So here are the official rules:

*Accept the award and post it on your blog. Make sure to link back to the person who awarded you.
*Then pass it on to 15 other blogs you find worthy and make sure to let them know they have been awarded.

Here are my 15 fabulous blog finds that I think should get the One Lovely Blog Award!
1.Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy
2.Lolatini Design Studio
3.Jasmin Loves Coffee
4.The Untraditional Topiary
5.3 Kids and Us
6.Sann Diego Family
7.All Things Cupcake
8.Glamour This
9.Blonde Mom Blog
10. Go Team Go
11.If Only I Had Super Powers
12.The Baby In Between
13.Things I Want My Daughter To Know
14.11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven
15.Flipping Lids

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Honoring Veteran's Day

Our family would like to pay tribute to the men and women risking their lives for our safety.  Those currently fighting/serving and those who have served and passed on.  Truly, there is not a job on earth that takes such heart.  I think I've figured out the reason why I am in awe everytime I see a soldier or hear a story of one is because of the inner strength and unselfishness of their being that it moves me.  From and early age (4 or 5), Jayson has had a love for the military.  Some might say to steer him from that desire or that he will get over that, but he's 13 now and is still very passionate about the military.  I don't know the future, but I know the boy and recognize the heart.

God bless those who have been, those who are now, and those who will follow.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween??

It seems so bazzare saying that, "Happy Halloween".  After so many years of not celebrating it due to our religious beliefs and such.  Don't get me wrong, I still don't want to surrender to us "all out" celebrating Halloween, but as my kids have grown up to teenager hood, things are much different.  Both of the kids have such a firm foundation on Christ and what they believe that we feel comfortable allowing them to use their own wisdom with certain things.  One thing is for sure...we do not do scary!  That is something that will never change at The Edwards'.  Jayson could barely walk around Party City looking at costumes due to all of the devils, witches and gobblins hanging around as decorations. 

This year was the first year they both wanted to dress up and go to school.  Never thought Jayson would do it just out of plain being "too cool".  But he did and I was very impressed with what he wanted to be...SWAT.  Totally went with who he is as a person.  I must say the same thing for Bre.  Who else could be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz??  :-)  Looking back on my own childhood, some of my most favorite memories were of dressing up and being with friends on Halloween. 

As dad and I passed out candy to the little Spidermen, princesses, and even a few gobblins, our two both enjoyed the time that they had hanging out with friends.  This ride called parenting is an adventure for sure!
I guess we CAN say we had a Happy Halloween!

Oh...and Mocha too! :-)


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