Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cheered Her Last Football Game...

I truly believe if Graduation was today, Bryana would say she had the most amazing High School/Senior Year experience!  She is having a ball!  It has been so fun watching Bryana enjoy her last days of High School.  Big games, fun parties, great friends and even a nice class schedule.  Last week was the last official football game which ended with a great victory!  So exciting to see the fans, students and cheerleaders run onto the field to congratulate their team!  All I could think of was, what a great Senior year she is having! 

Monday, October 5, 2009

Never Too Busy, Never Too Old

Our school year has been off and running.  Cheerleading, Football Games, Homework, Band Practice, just to name a few.  Needless to say our schedules are tight as usual around the Edwards' Household.  After having some great family meetings and good communication with Jason, we both felt we needed to make time to spend with each of the kids seperately.  So this weekend was to be my night with Jayson.  I decided that Friday night while dad was away at the high school football game watching Bre cheer, I would enjoy an evening with my boy.  I told him that morning that we were going on a "date".  He gave me a little grin which let me know he was "ok" with hanging out with mom. 

We first went to shop...nothing will make a date go better with a 13 year old than first buying him something.  Then it was off to the bowling alley where we ate at the pizzeria.  Something about stuffing a boy full of pizza can really get them talking.  We had an amazing and ensightful conversation.  Of course the usual, "how's school talk", but the talk just kept getting deeper.  He shared his heart with mom and I shared some mom wisdom and then it was off to bowl. 

We played two games and the best part of it was that everytime I turned around from my turn, he was standing right there, smiling with both hands up to give me high 5's!  He was actually having fun!  So much so, that he wanted to go to a movie afterward.  Does it get any better than that??? 

I guess whatever needed to be accomplished that night was, and it just reminded me that I am never too busy to hang with my boy and he is never too old to go on a date with mom.

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